
Stephen Boczanowski

Stephen Boczanowski

Stephen grew up in Cambridge, MA and spent many of his summers in the Scituate- Marshfield area. He graduated with honors from Tufts University and The Boston Museum School of Fine Arts receiving a B.S. in Art Education to then receiving an M.S. in Art Education from Massachusetts College of Art. He taught for almost 50 years. He was also the art director in the Marshfield School system for many years. The scenes he paints in acrylic are influenced by where he vacationed as a child. He builds up texture with modeling paste and acrylic gel as he seeks to dramatize these settings with overly bright colors as well as exaggerated textures. Between other life activities, it typically takes him about 6 weeks to finish a painting.

Painter & Educator


From Norwell, MA

Email: sbocz@hotmail.com

“It was awesome taking a class with Mr. B back when I was in high school to now having him walk in through the doors as an artist.” – Dave